Introduction to Surface Engineering (with nano-impact demo)
About This Workshop Surfaces are complex structures, and their interactions underpin a huge array of technologies. By modifying surfaces, engineering components can be augmented with enhanced properties or new ones not possible with a single bulk material. Surface...
Laser surface texturing: challenges and opportunities
ABOUT THIS WEBINAR Recent advancements in laser technology opened completely new areas of research and applications. Engineered surfaces by laser methods are particularly interesting for applications, which deal with friction and wear. Over the decades, many research...
Measuring the coupled electrochemical-mechanical behaviour of materials for making better batteries
About This Webinar With an increasing demand for higher energy and power density of lithium ion batteries (LIBs), the coupled electrochemical-mechanical degradation of electrode materials becomes a more pressing problem. Inparticular, fracture and delamination of...
Virtual Experiments in Tribology
This talk will cover recent advances in modelling aspects of a variety of tribological problems and show how in-silico experiments can be used to shed light on various physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena that affect tribological performance. The main themes...
Surface Plasmon Resonance: Technology for Biosensor Applications
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a phenomenon that occurs at the interface of media with different refractive indices. SPR detects refractive index change with high sensitivity. This optical-based real-time detection method delivers superior results across diverse...
Toward Macroscale Superlubricity with 2D Materials Friction and wear-related failures remain the greatest problems in today’s moving mechanical components, from microelectromechanical devices to automotive assemblies and to biological systems. The critical need to reduce and eliminate the...
Surface Engineering: stories behind the scenes As an enabling technology, surface engineering affects almost every product around us by making them to be more long lasting, functional and productive. Despite the numerous positive benefits of our...
Challenges in high-temperature nanomechanics Many applications of coatings and bulk materials in the aerospace, nuclear, fuel cell and cutting tool industries involve high temperatures. Accurate nanomechanical data can improve our understanding...
Adaptive surfaces for friction and wear reduction Adaptive low friction and wear resistant coatings, which can re-arrange their structure and chemistry in a response to changes in operating environment are of a practical importance for aerospace, automotive and tool industry. In this...