Zeta Potential Measurements in Polymer Research

Zeta Potential Measurements in Polymer Research

In many applications of polymer materials, as e.g. coatings, composites or as smart surfaces, the material properties or the adhesion to other substances are determined to a great amount by functional groups situated at the very surface. While contact angle...

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Bio-tribological studies of non-UHMWPE Polymers and Composites

Bio-tribological studies of non-UHMWPE Polymers and Composites

Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) has been the main polymeric articulating implant material for the hip implant. Acetabular cup is made of UHMWPE in its unmodified form or with partial cross-linking and with Vitamin E added into it as the anti-oxidant....

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Integrated Intelligent Bearing Systems (I2BS) for UHPE

Integrated Intelligent Bearing Systems (I2BS) for UHPE

Rolling element bearings provide vital load carrying roles in many rotational applications. In aero-engines these include supports for the main shafts and the main gearbox. While advances in material manufacturing techniques producing very high quality steels...

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MXenes: A Model Material for Solid Lubricants

MXenes: A Model Material for Solid Lubricants

Two-dimensional materials with graphene-like structure have gained remarkable attention, because they have demonstrated remarkable tribological properties, even when applying only one or a few atomic layers of the material to the contact zone. However, the mechanisms...

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Mechanical characterisation of super soft hydrogels

Mechanical characterisation of super soft hydrogels

Despite the ubiquitous use of soft aqueous hydrogels in biomedical applications, one of the major challenges is the ability to precisely control the mechanical properties of soft biomaterials to meet specific needs. However, the accurate and precise determination of...

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